How To Sit Comfortably With Si Joint Pain: Tips And Techniques

To sit comfortably with SI joint pain, use an ergonomic chair with good lumbar support, maintain proper posture with your feet flat on the floor, and take frequent breaks to stretch and relieve pressure on the sacroiliac joints.

How To Sit Comfortably With Si Joint Pain
Alex Milan

Written By
Alex Milan

Published On
April 29, 2024

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Sacroiliac (SI) joint pain can make sitting uncomfortable, impacting your daily activities and quality of life. The sacroiliac joints are located where the lower spine meets the pelvis, and they play a crucial role in supporting your upper body’s weight. When these joints become inflamed or dysfunctional, it can lead to pain and discomfort, especially when sitting. Here’s a guide on how to sit comfortably with SI joint pain, including tips and techniques to reduce pain and improve comfort.

How To Sit Comfortably With Si Joint Pain?

How To Sit With Si Joint Pain

1. Choose the Right Chair

The type of chair you use can significantly affect your comfort level with SI joint pain. When selecting a chair, consider the following:

  • Ergonomic Design: Choose a chair that offers good lumbar support and adjustable features, allowing you to customize the height and tilt.
  • Firm Seat Cushion: A firmer cushion can provide better support and reduce pressure on the SI joints.
  • Armrests: Armrests can help reduce pressure on your lower back and SI joints by supporting your arms.

2. Use Cushions or Supportive Devices

Adding extra support to your chair can help alleviate SI joint pain. Consider using:

  • Lumbar Cushions: These cushions support the natural curve of your lower back, reducing stress on the SI joints.
  • Seat Cushions: A wedge or donut cushion can help redistribute pressure and improve posture while sitting.

3. Maintain Proper Posture

According to the Mayo Clinic, good posture is essential for reducing SI joint pain. Follow these tips to maintain proper posture while sitting:

  • Sit with a Straight Back: Keep your back straight and shoulders relaxed. Avoid slumping or leaning forward.
  • Keep Your Feet Flat on the Ground: Ensure your feet are flat on the floor or a footrest to maintain stability.
  • Hips at a 90-Degree Angle: Position your hips at a 90-degree angle with your knees at the same height or slightly lower than your hips.

4. Take Frequent Breaks

Sitting for extended periods can exacerbate SI joint pain. To prevent stiffness and reduce pressure on the joints, take frequent breaks to:

  • Stand and Stretch: Every 30 to 60 minutes, stand up and stretch your back and legs.
  • Walk Around: A short walk can help relieve tension and improve blood flow to the SI joints.
  • Do Gentle Exercises: Simple exercises like pelvic tilts or gentle yoga stretches can help maintain flexibility and reduce stiffness.

5. Apply Heat or Ice

Applying heat or ice to the lower back and SI joint area can help manage pain and reduce inflammation. Here’s how to do it:

  • Use a Heating Pad: Apply heat for 15 to 20 minutes to relax muscles and increase blood flow.
  • Try an Ice Pack: Use ice for 15 to 20 minutes to reduce inflammation and numb the area.

6. Seek Professional Advice

If SI joint pain persists or worsens, it’s crucial to seek professional advice. Consult a healthcare provider for a thorough assessment and personalized recommendations. They may suggest physical therapy, chiropractic care, or other treatments to manage SI joint pain.

7. Use Safe Supplements For Pain Relief

You can use safe joint pain relief supplements for instant relief. Try to use a safe herbal supplement like Joint Genesis. As per the user’s reviews, it is safe and genuine.


Sitting with SI joint pain can be challenging, but with the right techniques and support, you can minimize discomfort and improve your quality of life. By choosing an ergonomic chair, using supportive cushions, maintaining proper posture, taking regular breaks, applying heat or ice, and seeking professional advice when needed, you can manage SI joint pain effectively and continue your daily activities with greater comfort.


  1. “Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction,” Cleveland Clinic, available at
  2. “Sacroiliac Joint Pain,” Mayo Clinic, available at
  3. “Posture: Align Yourself for Good Health,” Mayo Clinic, available at
Alex Milan

Alex Milan

Alex Milan is a licensed osteopath and acupuncturist based in United States. He graduated from the British School of Osteopathy in 2017, where he received extensive training in osteopathic techniques for treating musculoskeletal conditions. Alex is passionate about providing patients with holistic, drug-free pain relief and enabling people to live active, healthy lives. He utilizes osteopathic manipulative techniques along with acupuncture and lifestyle advice to address the root causes of pain and dysfunction in the body. With expertise in areas including sports injuries, back and neck pain, headaches, and repetitive strain injuries, Alex has helped numerous patients find relief from pain and return to their regular activities.

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