Joint Genesis Reviews might include affiliate links, meaning we might earn a commission if you click on or purchase using these links. This Affiliate Disclosure describes our relationship with affiliate programs and how it may affect the information and recommendations provided on our site.

  1. Understanding Affiliate Links: Affiliate links are specialized URLs that include unique tracking codes. When you click on an affiliate link and proceed to make a purchase, we may receive a commission or other compensation from the affiliate program involved.
  2. How Affiliate Links Function: When you click on an affiliate link on Joint Genesis Reviews and make a purchase, the affiliate program will track the transaction and attribute it to our platform. This allows us to make a commission or additional compensation for referring you to the merchant’s website.
  3. Our Transparency Commitment: Transparency is extremely important to us, and we have dedicated ourselves to fully revealing our affiliate affiliations. Whenever we include an affiliate link in our material, we will explicitly and prominently disclose it, usually with a remark like “This post contains affiliate links” or something similar.
  4. No Additional Cost to You: Using an affiliate link to make a purchase comes at no additional cost to you. The price of the goods or services remains the same whether you use our affiliate link or not.
  5. Impact on Content: Our affiliate commitments have no impact on the material, topics, or recommendations of Joint Genesis Reviews. We constantly work to provide our readers with objective, unbiased information and feedback, regardless of any potential affiliate relationships
  6. Affiliate Programs We Engage In: Joint Genesis Reviews participates in numerous affiliate programs, such as Amazon Associates, ShareASale, and Commission Junction. These programs allow us to earn commissions by referring to products and services that we believe will benefit our target audience.
  7. Your Support: By engaging on affiliate links on Joint Genesis Reviews and carrying out purchases through them, you support our platform and help us continue to provide excellent content and tools to our users. We sincerely respect and appreciate your support.
  8. Questions or Concerns: If you have any questions or concerns about our Affiliate Disclosure or how we use affiliate links, please contact us at [email protected].

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